Andrew's watercolour workshops are a series of Watercolour masterclasses, focusing on a particular area of Watercolour painting. Each course is available to buy for £5 (there may also be a small extra charge for VAT or local taxes depending on where you live).
2021 Andrew Pitt concentrates on shadows in this third Watercolour Workshop video. He explains the difference between Form (Shape) Shadows and Cast Shadows. After a brief look at some examples in his own work, Andrew paints a full-length watercolour in real-time which demonstrates the importance and contribution shadows make to a painting.
For any information or queries, or if there is something, in particular, you'd like to see in future courses, you can contact Andrew at
Available online for £5 (there may also be a small extra charge for VAT or local taxes depending on where you live).
2021 The second in Andrew's series of watercolour instructional videos
The main focus of this workshop is on how to paint a fresh, luminous sky. There are two full length demonstrations filmed in real time. The video begins with a short guide on mixing greys.
Available online for £5. (there may also be a small extra charge for VAT or local taxes depending on where you live)
2021 The first in a series of watercolour instructional videos with an emphasis on painting clean, fresh, lively watercolours in a simple, direct manner. Each video is a full-length demonstration and features different aspects of watercolour.
In this first film, Andrew paints a demonstration watercolour, showing the drawing, mixing and painting.
In particular, this video focuses on how to:
Available online for £5. (there may also be a small extra charge for VAT or local taxes depending on where you live)